
The Water Cleanser Industrial Block 1Kg



The Water Cleanser (TWC) can be likened to a microbiological culture pad. Upon close examination under a high-powered microscope, TWC reveals a multitude of minuscule capillaries extending from end to end. These microscopic channels serve as the perfect habitat for the essential beneficial bacteria and microbes responsible for water health. TWC also supplies the necessary trace elements, ensuring the thriving and optimal performance of these microbes. Additionally, it acts as a source of breeding trace elements for Archaea microbes and Bacillus bacteria.

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The Water Cleanser (TWC) can be likened to a microbiological culture pad. Upon close examination under a high-powered microscope, TWC reveals a multitude of minuscule capillaries extending from end to end. These microscopic channels serve as the perfect habitat for the essential beneficial bacteria and microbes responsible for water health. TWC also supplies the necessary trace elements, ensuring the thriving and optimal performance of these microbes. Additionally, it acts as a source of breeding trace elements for Archaea microbes and Bacillus bacteria.

Beneficial bacteria and microbes play a natural role in breaking down and processing organic waste in water systems, including excess food, dying algae, plant matter, and fish waste. However, external factors like chemicals, pollutants, and fertilisers can disrupt this natural cycle, weakening the existing beneficial bacteria. TWC establishes a protective environment enriched with essential trace elements, fostering the breeding and multiplication of these microbes at their optimal pace. As these microbes re-establish themselves in the water system, they effectively accelerate the breakdown of organic waste, resulting in cleaner and healthier Swimming Pond water that demands less upkeep.

Archaea microbes specialize in breaking down organic waste above oil but require hydrocarbons as an energy source for their multiplication. While Archaea microbes are present in any water body, they remain dormant until a hydrocarbon source is available. TWC acts as a hydrocarbon catalyst, creating the ideal conditions for the activation and growth of these Archaea microbes.

The accumulation of excess nutrients in Swimming Pond water due to organic waste can lead to the excessive growth of algae, including the formation of algal blooms. TWC stimulates the rapid growth of beneficial bacteria and microbes that actively consume this organic matter. When these microbes consume the nutrients that fuel massive algal blooms, the algae are deprived of their food source, causing them to weaken and die off.

With more than twelve years of testing, TWC has consistently exhibited positive effects on aquatic ecosystems. Moreover, it proves effective in reducing the reliance on chemical treatments in Swimming Ponds.

Instructions for Use:

Position The Water Cleanser in an area with strong water flow, ensuring even spacing when multiple blocks are employed. Depending on the current water quality, noticeable improvements can be observed within 4-10 weeks.

The Standard block weighing 1 kg (2.2 lbs) treats surfaces of up to 100 sq. meters (1,100 sq. ft.).

In cases of cloudy or stagnant water, consider increasing the dosage.

Replace every 6 months, allowing a one-week overlap with the old product.



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